Unlocking the Power of High-Definition Lipo: HD2 Mastery”

In an era marked by remarkable advancements in body contouring devices and revolutionary approaches to fat grafting, we’re delighted to offer an extensive array of options to our esteemed patients. These cutting-edge techniques can be customized to cater to the distinct body shaping desires of both men and women, setting a new standard in the world of cosmetic surgery.

High Definition Liposculpture, an innovative and influential technique that has taken the field by storm, was born out of two primary motivations. Firstly, it responds to the aspirations of a discerning group of individuals who seek not just fat reduction but also the attainment of a meticulously sculpted form. Secondly, it equips cosmetic surgeons with a comprehensive toolkit, enriching their practices with the latest in body contouring technology and artistic finesse.

When we delve into the HIGH-DEF LIPO technique, we delve into the realm of enhancing muscle definition through the strategic use of fat grafting. This approach embodies several groundbreaking innovations in anatomy, artistry, and surgical precision. It underscores the intricate nature of fatty tissue, which reveals itself as a network of distinct compartments throughout the body.

Our Master’s Course is meticulously designed to propel your foundational liposuction skills to the next level. Guided by the renowned Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, you’ll acquire techniques that are not only tried and tested but also consistently yield remarkable results. This course will empower you to seamlessly integrate High-Def Lipo procedures with both low-volume and large-volume autologous fat transfers, enabling you to achieve transformative outcomes for your patients.

As your practice continues to grow, you’ll undoubtedly receive an increasing number of requests for High Def Lipo procedures in areas that demand finesse and refined techniques. The savviest approach to stay ahead of the competition is to invest in the continual enhancement of your skill set. While trends in machines may come and go, the mastery of your craft will forever be your most valuable asset as a surgeon.

Every new skill you acquire propels you further ahead of your competition.

The time has come for you to embark on a journey of exploration into the limitless possibilities of High Definition Liposculpture & Body Contouring. Plastic surgeons who complete a TOTAL DEFINER training course earn their place among the elite in the realm of plastic surgery, distinguishing themselves as some of the world’s finest practitioners.

For the year 2024, we are delighted to present the following courses:


    • Dates: February 4-7
    • Dates: March 10-12


    • Dates: July 31- August 1,2

Join us in shaping the future of cosmetic surgery and embark on a journey towards excellence that will redefine your career.”


Our internationals training  are ready . You  will develop your skills in the art of liposculpture with the creator Dr Alfredo Hoyos this is the unique and exclusive training  for body contouring techniques , that was patented by him.


Over the years we have seen how each patient is more demanding in terms of what they want for their bodies and with the growth of different techniques it has been possible to satisfy our patients more and more.

Dr. Alfredo Hoyos has made it possible for body contouring surgery with his technique and its different variations to be today the technique and procedure most sought after by patients.

For this reason, over the last few years we have dedicated the necessary time to support surgeons who want to optimize their practices and achieve a level of excellence.




Enjoy with innovation and learn from the masters in Breast surgery with our TOTAL BREAST course that is dedicated and committed to advancing science, art and maintenance of high standards in practice Breast Surgery .


Total definer community is today the most recognized educational center in the world , only there you will receive the certification as TOTAL DEFINER MASTERS

Immerse yourself in this adventure! that will take you to the next level of your practice…

  • Discover the properties of the technologies involved in the practice of different techniques
  • How to manage complications after any procedure – the post care
  • Cell-Assisted Fat Transfer (CAL), a Multilayer Technique that will increase the definition and satisfaction of the patients.
  • Introduction to the Total Definer Ergonomic

Find out the latest in cutting-edge plastic surgery technologies & techniques,

Increase your practice’s profits by 35% or more and learn the world’s most advanced body sculpting and Breast surgery technique from the most exclusive faculty

Save your spot!

Como foi criada a Abdominoplastia de Alta Definição?

A Abdomonoplastia de Alta Definição continuou a evoluir desde o seu início, técnicas revolucionárias criadas pelo Dr. Alfredo Hoyos.

Hoje a técnica de abdominoplastia de alta definição tem quase 17 anos, foi em 2005 quando o Dr. Hoyos iniciou sua nova criação e com seu artigo Lipoabdominoplastia de Definição Dinâmica publicado pela Revista da Sociedade Americana de Cirurgiões Plásticos em 2012 conta a origem desta procedimento maravilhoso.

Existem variantes da técnica para quem tem frouxidão de pele devido à gravidez ou perda de peso, que incluem a correção dos músculos abdominais e a remoção de pele redundante, como a abdominoplastia e a minilipectomia de alta definição, existem tecnologias que servem para corrigir o excesso de pele, que é deixado após uma perda significativa de peso; Renuvion e BodyTite são intervenções que não envolvem cortes de pele, rejuvenescem abdômen, nádegas e braços, e proporcionam um efeito tensor, tornando-se muito populares.

“Não se trata apenas de definir músculos, mas de obter formas mais agradáveis.” Muitas pessoas ficam frustradas porque os músculos que estão exercitando não são tonificadas como esperavam, ou sentem que a gordura deve ser melhor distribuída pelas nádegas. e quadris “, diz o Dr. Hoyos.

A técnica de beleza que combina arte e cirurgia, que esculpe os corpos dos pacientes para que eles fiquem o melhor possível. Seguindo essa analogia, pense em linhas definidas de músculo e gordura no abdômen como montanhas e vales. Quanto mais fundo o vale, mais alto a montanha parece. Quanto mais profundo você fizer os vales dos músculos, mais pronunciados serão. A arte aqui adicionada envolve deixar uma fina camada de gordura no músculo para dar um volume natural. Dr. Hoyos usa, “… fundações artísticas como luzes e sombras para criar 360 graus de definição.” A técnica funciona através do corpo, fornecendo o comprimido cololato natural ou a figura de ampulheta que toda pessoa sempre procurou.

Isso e muitos tópicos serão parte do primeiro simpósio TD ABS no Brasil e o segundo no mundo OUTUBRO 20 EM SAO PAULO

Um grupo de experts mundiais em cirurgia plástica ou prazer para compartilhar suas experiências.


A day dedicated to Science in body contouring, fat grafting and safety


PLAN V -01


The official language will be English, but the event will be recorded and then translated into Portuguese and Spanish, respectively, to be sent to the doctors. We are using the last technology in communications

It will take place on May 30, Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Colombian time

You don’t need to have the glasses , we will send a link so you can be able to join by your laptop

If you have virtual glasses also works. ( oculus GO)

In order to register for the MASTERCLASS PLAN V EDITION please follow this information below:






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This is a unique specialty workshop designed for those

who want to upgrade their practice. 

This workshop will address the science and art of body contour surgery.

  To register for this event

You can go to the link below:





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Another big surprise for our community #totaldefiner
This June TUMMY TUCK IMMERSION TRAINING (female and male tummy tuck cases will be performed)
Dynamic Definition #Tummytuck or Eve technique by @alfredohoyosmd makes possible to achieve amazing and natural results, making your patient’s stomach tighter, slimmer, smoother, and overall more fit-looking. Although the incision required for this procedure is longer than other cosmetic surgery #procedures, the resultant scar typically starts very, very low across the lower abdomen just above or into the pubic hair area.
In a traditional #abdominoplasty excess skin is removed below the belly button. The remaining skin is stretched over the incision and sutured down just above the pubic region. This procedure makes the navel tends to be stiff and unnatural. To resolve this, Dr. Hoyos removed the navel in the first stage of the procedure, initially leaves the patient without navel as “EVE” in the Garden of Eden, to allow better recovery of the abdominal skin.

During the second stage of the procedure, liposculpture is performed to improve abdominal definition and the new navel is created a younger form. The EVE eliminates stretch marks, lines at the abdominal muscles and stretches the abdominal skin. The results are an athletic figure with the desired hourglass shape. (The main scar is invisible under underwear or bikini). To make sure this procedure achieves the best results Dr. Hoyos also invented a new tech: Designed and inspired by him, the retractor Remora set and it’s components are specially engineered for #Dynamic Definition Mini and Full-Lipoabdominoplasty. This technique combines multilayer liposculpture, fat grafting, and muscular plication.
This June Our Master #surgeons will have the opportunity to combine evidence-based surgical techniques with talent and experience to ensure a safe surgery and natural-looking outcomes. Now join our new education program, You will be updated on the latest trends and #techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery.
For more info, you know Johana !!!! so contact her to see the available dates info@totaldefiner.com


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Who doesn’t gain weight around the holidays?

Scientific studies show that people tend to exaggerate their holiday weight gain, stating that they gained five to ten pounds during a holiday season.

It’s definitely a very common worry and that concern is really understandable, unfortunately, we live in a culture that has led us to believe that our weight is the most important thing. Going into the holiday season, you could easily feel worried about the abundance of food. But holiday weight gain doesn’t necessarily deserve the worry it’s often allotted.

Holiday weight gain is a common concern for many people. Various seasonal holidays may encourage overeating, sedentary behavior, and consumption of calorie-rich foods. In fact, between mid-November and mid-January people gain an average of 1 pound (0.5 kg) ( 1 ).

But the good news is that a few ideas can help you shed the weight quickly. After the holidays, it’s smart to get back on track by making small, realistic changes, instead of setting yourself up for failure.


       Some overweight people have bodies that handle food differently because of hormones or other signals produced by fat cells that once created never disappear. What I want to explain is that maybe a person who gains weight, the body produces more fat cells, but when they lose weight, these cells simply decrease in size as they continue to produce hormones.

Thin people who were previously fat may have different metabolisms than thin people who were never overweight. But there is some hope that the innovative liposuction techniques that exist today as is the case of High definition liposculpture that may be helpful in these cases. Unlike natural weight loss, high definition liposculpture not only eliminates fat cells, but it can also decrease the number of hormones produced, returning the person’s body to a natural and thin balance.

Weight gain during the holidays is a reality for many, but it does not have to remain that way after the procedure. Very few people gain weight simply because of the meals they ate at Christmas parties. Most of the fault lies in repeated meals of high-calorie and energy-rich foods throughout the holiday season.

      SUMMER is approaching and with beach holidays on the horizon, interest in body-shaping procedures is soaring. Perfect time for you to get ready for warm weather. If you have a few extra inches that you would like to shed before baring all in a bikini, there are a few things that you can do to tone, tighten and firm your body before hitting the beach.

While cleaning up your diet and incorporating exercise into your weight loss efforts are great, sometimes, a little help is needed to get your body exactly the way you want to see it.  To get those areas addressed, you may want to enlist the help of a board-certified plastic surgeon. Procedures such as liposculpture, fat transfer, and tummy tuck, when done by a qualified physician, are safe and effective ways to help you feel more confident and comfortable with the image of your body.

With just a little bit of time and effort, you can have a bikini, shorts, or skinny jeans body in a very short amount of time!



“We will have the best and the brightest surgeons in the specialty, poised to share their expertise, our colleagues from all around the world”

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New technologies in liposculpture not only promise to facilitate the removal of fat but also more security and less recovery time. There are many types of tech offered these days and sometimes this can get quite confusing. The advantage of this is that it allows us to use the technology that is right for thee patient rather than resorting to a one size fits all approach. It also allows us to mix them to optimize your results. For example:

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The two technologies are very different. Vaser is better at removing fat, and Bodytite is better at tightening skin.

Utilizing both techniques at the same time to get optimal results, in the appropriate patient population. Vaser-assisted lipoplasty is the based for all lipoplasty procedures. It does have a secondary effect of tightening soft tissue at the subcutaneous level, and it can be utilized to create superficial skin tightening in strategic areas. The BodyTite allows for more diffuse tightening at the level of the skin, hence serving to complement the effects of the Vaser.


Body Tite is a technology that uses radio-frequency to help melt fat cells, so they can be removed from the body without the need for major surgery. In fact, the makers of BodyTite call it “minimally invasive” and it’s really safe. It can be used to tighten up any area of the body that has excess fat, including Arms, Thighs, Hips, Abdomen, Neck, Knees, Buttocks. Improve also sagging skin and fat in the chin and neck, Batwing arms, inner thigh laxity, sagging knees and tighten abdomen skin post-pregnancy.

Surgeons proficient in the Bodytite™ technique can get very strong soft tissue contraction in zones with prominent FSN, without the need for aggressive subdermal liposuction or skin excision.


High Definition Lipo achieves a greater definition of body contour. By acting on the adipocytes, it allows the fat to be completely melted and more easily removed. Better skin retraction than traditional lipo for more athletic results. Treat multiple areas in a single procedure.

Postoperative less painful and with less inflammation because this technique leaves intact non-fat tissues. The Lipo High Definition Vaser & Microaire technique allows you to reuse sucked fat because it does not break up fat cells. Eliminates the fat around the muscles, releasing previously hidden areas, sculpting them and giving them a more athletic form.


The surrounding tissues on which you do not want to act remain intact, remodeling the area with less pain and making recovery faster than in traditional liposuction. Eliminates the fat around the muscles obtaining a much more athletic result. It allows reusing the extracted fat thanks to the fact that the cells do not break when sucked. Sculpt large areas with high definition and also small areas on which you could not work with traditional liposuction.

The PAL-650 from MicroAire® is a powerful, precision instrument designed for small- or large-volume fat extraction, body contouring, and fat harvesting.


J-plasma or Renuvion enhances the skin retraction if used with the VASER liposuction, especially large volume High-Definition liposuction. Patients who have excess skin and significant skin laxity benefit from this combined procedure. The result is unparalleled with this combination of technology.

Renuvion is an advanced energy device combining the unique properties of cold helium plasma with RF energy. Helium plasma focuses on RF energy for greater control of tissue effect, enabling a high level of precision and virtually eliminating unintended tissue trauma.


Once the liposculpture is complete, it is possible to use the same incisions to insert the thin metal cannula of the Renuvion device into the treatment area, moving the cannula back and forth across the treatment area while a precise stream of plasma is delivered to the underside of the skin, gently heating it and causing the skin to contract and stimulate collagen production.



Wells Johnson has been at the forefront of the tech with a high-quality aspiration and infiltration equipment into the surgical field. The science behind large volume fat transfer, a new technique of large volume fat transfer utilizing the Wells Johnson HVP system.

You can use the system after the liposuction of the fat and this fat is captured and then transferred using an airtight system where the fat is never exposed to the environment. This system has dramatically improved fat graft


The challenges of liposuction surgery are changing even as advancements in technology make the process safer. As a result, it is more important than ever that leaders in the medical device industry engineer tools which make liposuction surgery safer while improving aesthetic and functional outcomes.

If you want to know more about the use of these different technologies,

you can join our next course in Bogota Colombia


Colombia 2020

Bogota, Colombia:

Febrero 12-14

Mayo 6-8

“Every artist needs the right tools!”

November 21 at 7:00 pm COT time!

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Dear Doctor:

The smartest way to stay ahead of your competition is to invest in increasing your skills. New machines trend in and out. But increasing your skills increases your value as a doctor. Every new skill gets you further ahead of your competition.

You are a surgeon and you would like to know more about the
cutting-edge techniques and technologies into the field!
Attend the live discussion, interact and have all your questions answered by the expert Alfredo Hoyos, the creator of the High Definition Lipo procedures on:

November 21st, 2019 7:00 PM COLOMBIAN TIME *COT TIME*
                                      TO JOIN OUR WEBINAR, PLEASE FILL THE FORM                 