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“Its been 9 month since I was in Bogotá. I cannot begin to tell you what I learned has changed my practice. I learned to think about the body in a much more artistic and natural fashion. I am able to remove far more adipose issues than i could before in any given area. Prior to your course, I had not performed fat transfer, now it is an integral part of almost every procedure I perform. My result keep getting better and my patients love the results. I have an incredible competitive advantage because no one else on Long Island is capable of doing this and matching my results. Liposuction has gone from a procedure I found boring and frustrating to one I love to perform. My case volume has similarly increased considerably, despite a challenging economy. Using Exparel, all patients are discharged to a nearby hotel with a nurse overnight, and a typical recovery involves taking less than 4 narcotic tabs for the entire recovery. There is no pain at all in the abdomen, just some burning in the lipo areas for which the Neurontin does a nice job

Mark Epstein, MD Sanctuary Plastic Surgery